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集团投资参股的乐领·诺图格民俗酒店作品获 2019 Red Dot Design Award 红点设计大奖

日期:2020-05-25    转自:公众号  STONEDESIGN石头兄弟


  2019年德国Red Dot Design Award 传达设计大奖于七月底公布获奖名单,STONE DESIGN石头兄弟以诺图格《草原之音》作品获得2019红点设计奖。红点设计奖是表扬优良设计质量的奖项,唯有设计质量优良且具有创意表现之作品及品牌,才能获得国际评审团的肯定,获颁备受瞩目的质量保证标志。


  德国红点设计大奖Red Dot Design Award每年吸引全球超过60个国家,1万件作品投稿参赛,并且考虑设计领域丰富多元,为求评选的审慎与专业,红点设计大奖特意将奖项区分为:红点产品设计大奖、红点传达设计大奖,以及红点设计概念大奖三大奖项。每个奖项皆每年举办一次,因此无论是产品设计、传达设计、包装设计到设计概念和原型,红点都完整掌握时下全球的重要设计趋势。



内蒙古呼伦贝尔诺图格领地  草原之声

Sound of Grassland


 “Hulun Buir Nutag,” the design work of thefolklore hotel, is the Mongolian language meaning the hometown of mind. TheMongolian people are the grassland people who live in the traditional dwellingcalled yurts regularly seen on the grassland. The general impression to the Mongolianpeople comes from the historical shining spears and armored horses sweeping theEuropean and Asian countries. In the primitive environment full of escalating survivaldifficulties, however, either the delicate music of morin khuur played in thedeep blue night or the tearing Mongolian man separated from the loved ones, allof which make people aware that this deep and manly national love composed ofthe delicate and concealing vicissitude of life that motivates this designwork.





  Encountering numerous hardships always happenbefore accomplishing the wonderful work. The entire design work, in fact, isfull of predicaments that, without electricity and internet, it took more than200 days to build up the 13 brand new yurts around Hulun Lake. The design planasserting the traditional symmetrical layout connecting the yurts in specificorientation and rhythm. Most of the spaces in yurts are accommodations, and theremaining areas composed of the restaurant, reception and bar, all of whichcreate every possibility on the grassland. The lake is in front of therestaurant, in which the dining environment enjoys the grassy air from the lake.





  The yurt consists of eight wood skeleton framescovered from outside-in with the canvas and felts tied with bristles or ropes,all of which exemplify the effective utilization of local materials. The raisedfloors protect the grassland growth and ensure the living comfort as well. Therude textures of iron adornments and the soft woods establish the intensivecontrast. The indoor space accompanied by the gentle lights, morin khuur music,wine fragrance, movies, Mongolian chess, etc. create for customers theintriguing living experiences.





  The yurts have become the intermedium betweenpeople and environment. Those exteriors artistically resemble the white clouds,and the interiors are comfortable and exquisite as well. Each light, eachpillow pattern and each paint accordantly follow the delicate principle ofdesign. The meaning of this design work is just right to its warm delicacy sothat the rude quality contains delicacy, and the delicacy finds its support.









    软装介入: 张雅娟 温蕴文 毛燕 郑怡婷 于明 宋鑫

    项目负责人:孙武英 汤爱民

    现场执行:郭承林 乌日根 骆景春

    设计.基建.结构:王新时 李建荣 骆景春 霍建山

    施工.水电:骆景春 霍建山 王宝富 布和


    生活内容设计:纳青 汤爱民 冯小卉



    图片编辑:Stone Design团队
